5 Facts About Baby Teeth That Every Parent Should Know

September 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — moultondentistry @ 5:21 pm
mother showing her baby daughter how to brush her teeth

Being a new parent can be nerve-wracking, to say the least. Between making sure your baby gets enough food, sleep, and family bonding time, their oral development may have slipped your mind. You may have no idea what to expect as your baby’s teeth develop. Fortunately, a family dentist in Hoover, AL is here to help! To make sure your little one’s smile grows up to be healthy and strong, keep these five facts about baby teeth in mind.

1. Baby Teeth Usually Erupt Between the Ages of 6 and 12 Months

Not all smiles develop at the same rate, but you can typically expect to see your baby’s first tooth poke through their gums at around six months to a year old. In general, the first teeth to emerge are those in the front of the mouth (called incisors). The next teeth to grow in are those closer and closer to the back of the mouth until all of their baby teeth have erupted. This usually occurs by age three.

2. Baby Teeth Benefit from a Certain Amount of Fluoride

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that benefits teeth of all ages, seeping into the tooth enamel and strengthening it to become more cavity-resistant. However, fluoride is especially important during a child’s development to ensure their smiles grow up strong. Once their first tooth appears, you can start brushing it twice a day with a smear of fluoridated toothpaste the size of a grain of rice. At about age three, you can switch to a pea-sized dab instead.

3. Fluoride Varnishes Are Perfectly Safe for Baby Teeth

During your baby’s checkup, the dentist may recommend a topical fluoride varnish for their teeth. This concentrated gel can be quickly and painlessly applied to your little one’s chompers, protecting them from tooth decay as they grow.

4. Putting Your Baby to Bed with a Bottle Is a Bad Idea

Sending your infant to bed with a bottle of milk or juice might be a soothing way to get them to fall asleep, but it can harm their budding smile. Constantly sipping on sugary beverages causes the bad bacteria in their mouth to feed on the sugar particles that gather around the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities. To prevent this, try not to let your baby sip a bottle of anything besides plain water.

5. Your Baby Should Start Attending Dental Checkups by Their First Birthday

It’s never too early to set the foundation for a healthy smile! That’s why the American Dental Association recommends that every child begin getting their routine dental checkups by the time they turn one year old. This gives the dentist an opportunity to make sure everything is developing properly and spot any issues early on. Plus, it helps your child grow more comfortable visiting the dentist, making them more likely to seek out dental care on their own as they get older!

Parenting isn’t exactly easy, but with these tips, at least you know what to expect when caring for your baby’s smile!

About the Author

As a parent himself, Dr. Marc Moulton understands the importance of caring for baby teeth. He has more than three decades of experience as a family dentist in Hoover, AL, and he would love nothing more than to set your child on the road to a lifetime of healthy smiles. To learn more about helping your little one’s smile thrive, contact Moulton Dentistry at 205-988-3360.

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